Not necessarily expecting the Kfar HaNasi soldiers to be there, the kibbutz representative told me upon my arrival that an IDF Unit had just returned from navigating (night patrol) of the Lebanon Border (Hezbullah territory). Kfar HaNasi offered them a place to rest and have breakfast. These young men were very tired and obviously had an exhausting night. Below my contact was going to wake all of them up for a group photo and I was telling him to "let them sleep". However, I did take a few shots around the room while I enjoyed a cup of coffee.

Below those that are awake are watching The Simpsons in Hebrew.

Below is the buffet table. Not a spread like the 5-Star Hotels but these young warriors did not care. They were hungry, thirsty, and tired. One young man asked me "Why do you Christians care? Can you explain it to me?" What a wonderful 15 minute conversation we had after that question. You should have seen his eyes light up when I told him that he was defending God's land just like Joshua and King David in the Tanach. May the Lord Jesus be exalted in everything we do. May these young men come to know the true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Then Joshua said to them, "Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage, for thus the LORD will do to all your enemies against whom you fight." Joshua 10:25

He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved. Psalm 62:2

But the LORD has been my defense, And my God the rock of my refuge. Psalm 94:22

Below if I needed to warm my coffee or make a waffle, I would have to move the rifle first.

Below it was also a good idea to watch where I stepped.

Below is one of the jeeps some of these young men were traveling in.

My contact told me to head down this road and take a right towards the kibbutz exit.

Lush greenery and green grass for late December.

Below the fence that goes around the kibbutz to help keep out the bad guys.

Below just on the other side of the road is hundreds and hundreds of potted plants and trees. This could be one way the kibbutz raises money to support itself.

Below are more and more potted plants.

The Lord's beauty can be found everywhere. Even in Kfar HaNesi which took 13 kassam rockets in the 2006 Lebanon War with Hizbullah. However, they all fell harmlessly in the open areas.
‘O Lord GOD, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your mighty hand, for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do anything like Your works and Your mighty deeds? Deuteronomy 3:24

Most of the kibbutzim and moshavim have these iron gates at the entrance.

After visiting Kfar HaNasi, before heading back to Jerusalem, I wanted to go over to the Mediteranean Coast to see Shlomi, the little town I pray for in CFI's Wall of Prayer. I had never driven Israeli Highway 899 which runs right along side the Lebanon border towards the coast. It was a beautiful day for a drive as I headed up the hills (mountains).

The sky and the clouds were magnificient the higher I went. Previously I had asked the Lord Jesus to accompany me on my trip and He did.

Below I actually felt like I was among the clouds and stopped on the highway to take the photo. Either the Lord was coming down Jacob's ladder or I was driving up. Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. Genesis 28:12

As I turned around to go back to the car and there was Mount Hermon clear as a bell. It had been a little hazy the previous two days. Mount Hermon would be on the opposite side of Israel against the Lebanon and Syrian border. Israel is a narrow country. Her enemies are very close.
O my God, my soul is cast down within me; Therefore I will remember You from the land of the Jordan, And from the heights of Hermon...Psalm 42:6.

Below when I zoomed it the photo turned out real nice. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing—Life forevermore. Psalm 133:3

Below I took photos when I could. Sometimes I needed both hands on the wheel.

Below I started a descent downhill.

Below I was getting ready for the long slope downhill. I bet skate boarders would love this run.

Below is the majesty of the clouds. For the day is near, Even the day of the LORD is near; It will be a day of clouds, the time of the Gentiles. Ezekiel 30:3

For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens, And Your truth unto the clouds. Psalm 57:10

There are a lot of forests and trees along this route. Sing, O heavens, for the LORD has done it! Shout, you lower parts of the earth; Break forth into singing, you mountains, O forest, and every tree in it! For the LORD has redeemed Jacob,
And glorified Himself in Israel. Isaiah 44:23

Who covers the heavens with clouds, Who prepares rain for the earth, Who makes grass to grow on the mountains. Psalm 147:8

Below is a little town in northen Israel just south of the highway.

Below, if you zoom in, looking north you would see in the center left a small town in Lebanon. Both countries have a lot of communication towers for observation.
Below I eventually reach my destination of Shelomi.

Of course they spell the name of the town differently (without the "e") in the City Center. In Israel, that's ok. In fact, it's very common.

At one time, Shlomi had a church. May the Lord open these doors again so that His Word may be preached. "Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: "I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name’s sake, which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went. And I will sanctify My great name, which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst; and the nations shall know that I am the LORD," says the Lord GOD, "when I am hallowed in you before their eyes. For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them. Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people, and I will be your God. Ezekiel 36:22-28
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