On Tuesday, June 9th, Christian Friends of Israel (CFI) sponsored a luncheon and day trip for Holocaust survivors from Sderot. CFI's project name to reach out to Holocaust survivors is called Forsake Them Not. One of the projects, Communities Under Attack, that I am responsible for covered the cost for non-survivor spouses and guests. As a result, I got to tag along.

The day trip outing was at Yad HaShmonah in the Judean Hills just a few kilometers west of Jerusalem. These survivors welcomed a few hours away from the stress of living in Sderot. Since January we have visited over 100 families in Sderot and southern Israel. However, on this day everyone was a new face to me.

Our welcoming and direction sign to the meeting hall.

Morning refreshements from the long trip included coffee, tea, juice, pastries and cookies.

Many of these survivors would have horrible stories to share. However, today was to be just a time of fellowship and fun. For the sake of my brothers and my friends,I will now say, " May peace be within you." Psalm 122:8.

Moses recorded a description of an evil time that God's Chosen People, the Jews, would face. "So your life shall hang in doubt before you; and you will be in dread night and day, and shall have no assurance of your life."In the morning you shall say, 'Would that it were evening!' And at evening you shall say, 'Would that it were morning!' because of the dread of your heart which you dread, and for the sight of your eyes which you will see. Deuteronomy 28:66-67.

Yad HaShmonah has a very nice Biblical garden for walking. I made gardens and parks for myself and I planted in them all kinds of fruit trees; Ecclesiates 2:5.

This scripture rock describes the sculpture after it. I posted this once before.

And rend your heart and not your garments "Now return to the LORD your God, For He is gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness And relenting of evil. Joel 2:13.

It was a hot day for walking in the Biblical garden, but no one stayed behind.

Conversation around the olive press.

Listening to a description of how an olive press functions. Olive oil was used to burn lamps in the tabernacle. Command the sons of Israel that they bring to you clear oil from beaten olives for the light, to make a lamp burn continually. Leviticus 24:2.

I like these purple trees of early summer. Not sure what they are called.

Boarding the bus to return to Sderot. This day trip was on a Tuesday. We would travel to Sderot on Thursday to visit other families. Israel is a small country. We try to leave Jerusalem around 7:30am on Sderot days. It takes about an hour and a half to get there. We visit 4 or 5 families and have other stops at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Services or the appliance store to purchase a refrigerator or washing machine. We return late afternoon, early evening depending on Highway 1 traffic back to Jerusalem. I enjoy driving in God's Land. Man goes forth to his work And to his labor until evening. Psalm 104:23.

The following photos were taken in Sderot on Thursday, July 9th.

Our first stop last Thursday was to interview a Sderot fireman whose home was destroyed by a kassam rocket last December. We visited him at his home two weeks ago. His story is fascinating how God protected them from harm even though the house was destroyed. Yulia from CFI's media department went with us in order to record it. But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. II Thessalonians 3:3.

Avi, the fireman, was actually working today so we conducted the interview on the sidewalk outside the fire station.

Not only does CFI reach out to Holocaust survivors and terror victims but also the poor and needy; widows and orphans; Israel Defense Forces; and Ethiopian Jews just to name a few. "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?'When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?'"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' Matthew 25:37-40.
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