On Tuesday, October 6th, during the Biblical Feast of Tabernacles, there was an annual parade known as the Jerusalem March with over 70,000 participants this year. The first half of the parade was local Jerusalem and Israeli companies marching. The last half of the parade featured nearly 4000 Christians from around the world who came to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast. These photos are mainly from the latter half of the parade. The photo below shows the Stars and Stripes beside a flag of the Lion of Judah (the Lord Jesus). Then I began to weep greatly because no one was found worthy to open the book or to look into it; and one of the elders said to me, "Stop weeping; behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals." Revelation 5:4-5.

In order to have a parade in Jerusalem, simply use buses to block the road so no cars get by.

The corner of King George and Agron streets before the parade. I picked a spot on Agron to watch the parade. The buses in the center of Jerusalem quit running so we got to leave early.

The countries were alphabetical for the most part except Spain was one of the first for some reason.

Spain's neighbor, Portugal was right behind them. Maybe they had to catch earlier flights. The reason Christians come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) is based on the prophetic scripture in Zechariah when the Lord Jesus will reign here during the Millinium. Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths. Zechariah 14:16.

A little face painting in Portugal.

There were a few countries with only one participant. The Lord Jesus touches hearts everywhere around the world. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20.

The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ) is the organization responsible for bringing thousands of Christians every year to Israel. Just like us, Christian Friends of Israel, ICEJ is made up of volunteers from around the world. Living in Jerusalem, you have the opportunity to meet many of these other volunteers while going to congregation or attending other events. Many friendships are made between the brethren. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35.

During World War II, the country of Denmark had the courage to save many Jews from the Holocaust by ferrying them to Sweden by boats. Fishing vessels, row boats, anything that would float and carry God's Chosen People to safety.

The country of Angola always dresses in the colors of their flag. They sat beside us at the opening night festivities by the Dead Sea Monday night.

In recent years, the country of Brazil brings the most pilgrims to Israel for the Feast. This year they had nearly 800 Christians make the journey.

Botswana's Christian representative.

A "mountie" from the Royal Mounted Canadian Police.

Canada's Maple Leaf Flag.

Nepal's representative.

This gentleman was proud to represent his country of Gabon in Africa.

The country of Germany fulfilling prophecy. "The sons of those who afflicted you will come bowing to you, And all those who despised you will bow themselves at the soles of your feet; And they will call you the city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel." Isaiah 60:14.

Probably not too many Christians in Indonesia. "I HAVE KEPT for Myself SEVEN THOUSAND MEN WHO HAVE NOT BOWED THE KNEE TO BAAL." Romans 11:4.

The flag of Jerusalem which has the Lion of the Tribe of Judah in the center. "Judah is a lion's whelp; From the prey, my son, you have gone up He couches, he lies down as a lion, And as a lion, who dares rouse him up? "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes, And to him shall be the obedience of the peoples. Genesis 49:9-10.

The young kids of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF).

These young men on the high speed Kawaski cycle are the highly trained terrorist police. You always see them around to protect dignitaries, visting presidents and prime ministers. The driver sure was watching me pretend to be taking a picture of the parade when I wanted his.
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